If you’re new to sailing or you’re thinking about chartering my friend Ikay and I gave a presentation on how to go from new sailor to charter boat skipper; you can watch a recording of this talk here.
If you’re merely trying to fulfill a charter company’s requirements to skipper a charter read on.

Simple Sailing Resume
This is the easiest one and it is sufficient most charter destinations. You just fill out an online form as described here.
International Proficiency Certificate (IPC)
The International Proficiency Certificate (IPC) is also known as an International Certificate of Competence (ICC) and is a requirement in Greece and is suggested for Mediterranean charters.
First you’ll need a digital passport photo; if you don’t have one handy you can make one easily enough following these instructions. I used my smartphone camera just to make sure it would pass muster; I had no problems. It’s a passport photo not a glamour shot 🙂
If you have the ASA Bareboat Cruising rating you can fill out a web form and send the ASA $45 and they’ll send you your proficiency certificate. It’s very straightforward and if you don’t know your ASA Membership Number they’ll figure it out from your name, address and birth date.
If you have the US Sailing Bareboat Cruising certification you’ll have to print out this form and follow the instructions.
If you don’t have a Bareboat Cruising certification you’ll have to figure out how to get one and then perform the steps above. Both ASA and US Sailing allow sailors to challenge their ratings and essentially test out. To do that first you have to find a school you can get to that offers those ratings. ASA offers a school directory. US Sailing has a directory but it includes all member organizations; there is no way to filter down to schools.
FCC Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit (RROP)
When I chartered in Croatia the charter company stated that they required a VHF license and made a copy of my RROP and my ASA ratings before I was shown the boat; they were very serious about the paperwork.
The only thing you need to do is send the FCC money and fill out your information online and you get a RROP with no expiration date.
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