I wrote this while proctoring the exams at the end of a particularly chaotic ASA Liveaboard class. I decided not to edit because the raw impressions were too entertaining…
The story of this weekend’s class:
Tropical storm: Sup guys? I heard you wanted to leave Friday? I’ll be there Friday to literally rain on your parade…
Me, a bit later: Actually, the tropical storm is moving through quickly enough. Perhaps we can start sailing later on Friday?
Some of you didn’t pack for departing today? OK go home and get your stuff and come back.
The boat is low on fuel? I guess we have to leave a bit earlier so the fuel docks don’t close before we get there.
Fuel Docks: we’re closed because of the tropical storm.
New plan: let’s go buy a Jerry can, add 5 gallons to the boat and top up tomorrow.
…depart and sail for a few hours…
Engine: dies
Manually priming the engine gets it running again. Fuel really was quite low and air got into the line?
Tropical Storm Remnants: enjoy this light show and doing spins around your anchor after midnight
Call sea tow and add 8 gallons to the 55 gallon tank thereby delaying starting the day until noon 🙁
Pull into Newport to fill the fuel tank and spend the night.
Fuel Tank: I’ll only take three gallons
Newport: There is no room at the inn
Me: W T F
Find another harbor and call it a night, contemplating my life choices.
Last day, let’s squeeze in another stop to make up for the late start
Tides: actually if you don’t head back now maybe you run aground getting back
Finally we’re back at the dock packing up students so they can leave after completing the test
Students: I don’t know how much of this was intentional….
Me: (in my head) WHAT? Are you kidding? Why would anyone in their right mind intend for any of this bullshit to happen during your class?!??!???!
Students: … but this whole course really came together well. We really appreciated that so much of the material for the course we actually got a chance to live through instead of just reading about it in the book.
Me: Yup. OK. I need a beer.

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